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AIR FILTERS For the air cleaning we offer many different models of mist collectors: centrifugal (in the versions turbine, single centrifuge and double centrifuge), static filters and specific units for very high throughputs or centralized systems. All the models are ready for being arranged with a range width of modules of pre and after-filtration therefore to resolve in specific way any type of problem. Our mist collectors can be directly installed on the machine tools. They remove the polluting from the source, and can easy be moved, and used again on other machines or switched off in case they are not used. go to the products >> look at the MOVIEdownoad the complete catalogue ask for more information COOLANT FILTERS The Losma Liquid Filtration Range is made up of various types of filter to cope with all eventualities. Losma’s expertise in this area shows in all its products, from the simplest of cloth filters to more complex integrated systems with several filtration stages. This know-how also means that tailor-made solutions and one-off designs can be proposed for special customer requirements. The Liquid Filtration Range comprises seven product lines, DETEX, DEMAG, DECOM, RIVER, SKIM; SPRING and MASTER Series which can all be equipped with refrigeration systems to order. go to the products >> look at the MOVIEdownoad the complete catalogue ask for more information