意大利ELAP运动控制系统,elap PLC,elap计数器, elap观测仪,elap单轴及多轴定位器,elap增量编码器,elap旋转编码器,elap直线位移传感器.
ELAP Multi-function Controllers NEXUS 2-4 Axes Multi-function Controller with PLC LYNX 1-2 Axes Multi-function Controller with PLC VEGA 1-2 Axes Multi-function Controller with PLC NEOS 1 Axes Multi-function Controller with PLC
ELAP Microprocessor Counter/Visualizer CM78 Microprocessor Counter/Visualizer CM78N Microprocessor Counter/Visualizer CM6 Microprocessor Counter VD4 Microprocessor Digital Readout VD3 Digital Readout
ELAP Incremental Encoders Small-sized E30/E31 Small-sized E40/E41 Flange 38? E320/E321 Flange ?50 SE/SEB Servo coupling E520/RE530 Round flanged ?58 E540/E541 Square flanged E620/E621 Hollow shaft E400/E470 Hollow shaft E410/E411 Magnetic EM Potentiometers & Joysticks Linear Potentiometers PLS PL2S PL231 PM PM2S PR PR2S Linear Transducers PD PE Optical Linear Scales KP KD