
HGH红外系统 20多年来,HGH红外系统公司孜孜不倦地致力于国防、工业和民用领域的光电和红外系统的开发研究。 其多样化而可靠的产品使其成为国际光电仪器领域的翘楚。 独特的技术,长期积累的丰富经验,使HGH公司位于世界红外高科技的前沿。
HGH红外系统公司-工艺控制监测 在工业上,人们使用红外温度图像来进行远距离温度监测。. 针对不同物体的红外辐射量,HGH能提供不同类型的传感器,来有效地探测其温度: ? 红外线性温度扫描仪 (SCAN) ? 炉膛内温度测量热像仪 (PYROSCAN) ? 二维红外图像扫描仪 (COOLSCAN) ? 带激光遥测和红外图像的多传感器系统用于隧道壁的检测 (ATLAS
用于国防安全领域的红外全景系统 HGH公司开发了一款红外全景被动式照相机,VIGISCAN。 VIGISCAN 是为边境安全的监测而设计的。它能被用于敏感工业区域的监视,像是炼油厂、核能发电厂、飞机场或者可能被恐怖份子攻击的水处理中心。
测试与计量学 HGH公司提供广泛的光学红外系统,尤其是应用于国防领域的系统: 黑体 (红外基准源) 红外准直仪 (IRCOL) 通用光电系统维护测试装置 (COPI, MIMOSA) 红外焦平面阵列器件(IRFPA)测试装置 (BIRD) 辐射计和光谱辐射计 (RAD) 成像光谱辐射计 (IMSPEC)
HGH – THE INFRARED REFERENCE For over 20 years, HGH Infrared Systems have specialized in the development of optronic and infrared systems for security, industrial and civil applications. The diversity and reliability of their products have made them an international leader of optronic instrumentation. Their specific skills coupled with their long experience enable HGH to remain in the foreground of world suppliers of high infrared technology.
Security with infrared panoramic vision HGH have developped a passive camera for infrared panoramic vision, VIGISCAN. VIGISCAN is designed for security perimeter monitoring. It can be used, for instance, for the surveillance of sensitive industrial zones such as refineries, nuclear power plant, airports or water treatment centres that might be attacked by terrorists.
HGH Infrared Systems – Process Control Monitoring with Thermography Industry uses infrared thermography for remote temperature measurements. HGH propose various types of sensors which analyse the infrared radiation emission of specific objects to determine their temperature cartography: Infrared line scanner for thermography (SCAN) Infrared Focal Plane Array camera for thermography (IRCAM) Pyrometric camera for temperature measurement inside furnaces (PYROSCAN) 2-dimension scan infrared imager (COOLSCAN) Multi-sensor system for tunnel walls inspection with laser telemetry and infrared thermography (ATLAS)
HGH Systemes Infrarouges The expert for testing and infrared metrology HGH offer a wide range of optronic infrared test systems developed for industry, laboratories and security: Blackbody (infrared reference source) Infrared collimator (IRCOL) Universal test bench for maintenance of optronic systems (COPI, MIMOSA) Bench for test of Infrared Focal Plane Array (IRFPA) detectors (BIRD) Radiometer (RAD) Imaging Spectroradiometer (IMSPEC) Software for characterisation of infrared, visible or light intensification camera (INFRA/VISITEST) Targets for infrared and visible test