Foto-Captor传感器, Foto-Captor热金属检测器
WEBER公司生产的热金属检测器是世界钢铁业应用的主流产品。其先进的红外线技术和设计理念顺应了钢铁制造、热处理以及玻璃制造业中复杂的工业系统的要求。凭借25年多的传感器设计制造经验,WEBER热金属检测器能在最严酷的环境中保证高精度、高稳定、长寿命以及高可靠性,并且免维护,可以满足艰苦、高负荷的工业要求。Foto-Captor热金属检测器 Foto-captor特别设计了电子补偿线路,能补偿高温环境和器件老化带来的变化,所以无须再调节,能确保运行的高度安全性和可靠性。三个不同温度设置点提供了最佳温度响应。Foto-Captor传感器, Foto-Captor热金属检测器 Foto-captor,热金属探测器是一种为重工业恶劣环境中的无故障运行而特别设计的红外开关 WEBER的foto-captor是专为H.M.D(热金属检测)设计的,产品主要应用于: 钢铁行业: 热金属检测,控制辊床,线圈调节,冷床,控制刀锋清洗。 焦炉: 检测淬火,剪切控制,以及炉内火焰控制。 锻压铸造: 监视浇铸过程,位置控制。 垃圾焚化炉 传送带监视。 玻璃行业 成型和浇铸控制。
foto-captor foto-captor Hot Metal Detector Systems for Steel Industry No Moving Parts, Self-Contained; Rugged, Reliable & Precise MAIN CUSTOMER BENEFITS Proven reliability for decades in many worldwide installations Rugged construction for maximum service life Wide selection of different viewing angles weber Sensors foto-captor Hot Metal Detector systems (HMD's) track the metal from slab reheat furnace to exit coil conveyor. They respond only to infrared energy within the viewing field: They won't confuse your computer with "maybe" signals from visible light, steam, cooling water or scale. The foto-captor systems feature sealed construction in rugged stainless steel housings, two-wire AC power with short circuit protection, and the ultimate in simplicity -- no adjustments. Available options include remote lens systems, water-cooled jackets and air purges. Detailed information is available from your nearest captor representative or directly from us.