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Fujikin Incorporated, founded in 1930, is recognized as a global leader in the manufacture of fluid and gas automatic control equipment, specialized control units, as well as ultra high purity valves and fittings. Fujikin's products are used throughout the semiconductor, aerospace, chemical and electric power generation industries. For High Purity Products, Fujikin is currently the only company manufacturing in a Class-1 clean room environment. Daruma Dolls--Okiagari Koboshi (Tumbler Doll)--One of the most popular talismans of good luck in modern Japan is the armless, legless, and eyeless Daruma doll, or tumbler doll. Sold at temple festivals and fairs, such dolls are typically made of papier-mache, painted red, and depict Bodhidharma seated in mediation. When knocked on its side, the doll pops back to the upright position (hence "tumbler" doll, or "okiagari koboshi"). The doll comes in many sizes - the standard size is larger than a basketball. While most Daruma dolls are male, some Japanese localities have female daruma ("ehime daruma" or "princess daru ma"). Eye-Painting Custom--At New Year time, many Japanese individuals and corporations buy a Daruma doll, make a resolution, and then paint in one of the eyes. If, during the year, they are able to achieve their goal, they paint in the second eye. We never paint the second pupil until our goal of satisfying the challenging demands of our customers are met in the high purity semiconductor and other discrete manufacturing and process equipment industries. For Products used in Semiconductor Wafer manufacturing Fujikin has pioneered high quality, advanced surface treatment technology in order to deal with the problems surrounding corrosion and particle generation in semiconductor manufacturing. In today's high-volume production environments, killer particles as small as 0.025 micron now play a large role in robbing fabs of higher throughput and device yields. Only Fujikin's valves and fittings are polished to an internal finish of less than 5 Ra Max. to minimize particle contamination and buildup. Fujikin's ultra pure manufacturing process features superior polishing, followed by a thorough cleaning process that removes all residual contaminants and particles. Every product is then carefully inspected before shipping. Mission Statement Dedicated to the progress and prosperity of the semiconductor and other high purity discrete manufacturing and process industries where our advanced fluid and gas flow technologies provide precision measurement and control in critical applications.