Wealth Success

- Shinmaywa Submersible Drainage Pumps
- "NORUS" Lightweight Submersible Pump (Made of High-Function Resin)
- Submersible Pumps for Facilities (Made of Cast Iron)
- "NONCLOG SCREW SUBMERSIBLE PUMP" Hiefficiency and Good Patricles Passage Performance Submersible Pump
- Shinmaywa Helical Rotor Blower (Land Type)
- Shinmaywa Submersible Aerator
- Shinmaywa Submersible Mixer

The ShinMaywa Group, valuing the spirit of harmony and the importance of discovering the essence of things, continues to contribute to the improvement of societies through our responsiveness, creativity and love of a challenge.
Water Treatment Equipment Working behind the scenes To maintain and improve environmental amenities ShinMaywa develops and manufactures all types of water treatment related products, including pumps and other facilities and equipment essential for water treatment and remote monitoring systems. The products generated from our plant in Ono, Hyogo Prefecture are renowned for their high quality and long service life, and are also at work in the United States of America, Taiwan, and other countries. For the future, we are going to work for a more globalized development of business in these high-performance infrastructural products. Related Links ShinMaywa Group Water Treatment Equipment Website ShinMaywa (America), Ltd. ShinMaywa (Asia) Pte. Ltd. ShinMaywa (Malaysia) Sdn. Bhd. Links in the Site ShinMaywa Group ShinMaywa around us Major Products For more information about products, please refer the Water Treatment Equipment Website. Water Treatment Equipment Submersible Drainage Pumps "NORUS" Lightweight Submersible Pump (Made of High-Function Resin) Submersible Pumps for Facilities (Made of Cast Iron) "NONCLOG SCREW SUBMERSIBLE PUMP" Hiefficiency and Good Patricles Passage Performance Submersible Pump Helical Rotor Blower (Land Type) Submersible Aerator Submersible Mixer
AircraftPlaying a roll in the aircraft industry Special Purpose TrucksPursuit of quality meeting both operability and safety requirements Water Treatment EquipmentTo maintain and improve environmental amenities Thin Film Coating SystemsExercising our powers in formation of high-precision thin-films meeting customer requirements Automatic Wire ProcessorsSupporting the home electric appliance and auto industries with sure quality "Built-In DD" Direct Drive MotorsHigh share of the market as proof of quality Aircraft Passenger Boarding BridgeA trusted brand supporting smooth trips by air Environmental SystemsAiming toward the resource-recycling society Parking EquipmentFormidable support for conditioning urban environments in the motorized society