Wealth Success

KOBELCO Mixing & Pelletizing System for Polyolefin
KOBELCO Continuous Mixers for Compounding
KOBELCO Twin Screw Extruders
KOBELCO Injection Molding Machines
KOBELCO Molding Machines
KOBELCO Telephone Wire Insulating Line
KOBELCO Optical Fiber Making Equipment
KOBELCO Screw Centrifugal Reciprocating Compressors
- KOBELCO Screw Refrigeration Compressors
- KOBELCO Power Recovery Turbo Compressors
- KOBELCO Rotary Lobe Blowers
- KOBELCO Emergency Gas Turbines
- KOBELCO Air Cooled Semihermetic Screw Heat Pump
- KOBELCO Ultra High Efficiency Water Cooled Semihermetic Screw Heat Pump Chiller
- KOBELCO Standard Air Compressors(1.5Kw-600Kw)
- KOBELCO Refrigeration Compressors
KOBELCO Batch Type Mixer (Tangential Rotor Type & Intermeshing Rotor Type)
- KOBELCO Twin Screw Roller Head Extruder
- KOBELCO Tire Curing Presses (for passenger car tires, light truck tires, truck/bus tires, OTR tires)
- KOBELCO Tire Uniformity Machine (for passenger car tires, light truck tires, truck/bus tires)
-KOBELCO High Speed Tire Uniformity Machine (for laboratory type and for production type)
- KOBELCO Other Tire Testing Machines
The Kobe Steel Group operates in a wide range of fields that provide the very foundation of society, including both the materials sector (iron and steel, welding, aluminum and copper) and the machinery sector (industrial machinery, construction machinery, enginnering, and the environmental business). We also engage in diverse operations such as electric power supply, real estate and electronic materials. Our mission is to contribute to society through the creation of new value using our comprehensive manufacturing capabitilies.
Steel Strengthening Manufacturing Capabilities for Higher Value-Added Products Steel Products Steel Castings and Forgings Welding A world-leading company in welding solutions Welding Materials A Brief Introduction to the Welding Business Alminum and Copper Earning customer trust through "Only One" products Aluminum Copper Machinery Pursuing growth strategies for high-revenue global operations Products and Services Natural Resources and Engineering Pursuing growth strategies for high-revenue global operations Products and Services Environmental Business Enviromental solutions for a recycling-oriented society Business Contents Corporate Profile Construction Machinery Global business operations based on original technologies Products Sales and Service
Iron & Steel Wire Rod & Bar High strength steel wire rod for automobile engine valve springs, suspension springs and suspension bridges; bearing steel for automobiles, machinery and precision equipment; carbon wire rod; specialty steel wire rod; carbon steel bar; specialty steel bar Sheet High strength steel sheet for automobiles, surface-treated sheet for automobiles and home appliances, plate for shipbuilding, surface-treated steel sheet, chromate-free coated steel sheet (Zinkobella Greencote/GX), ECOSTEEL, coastal weathering steel, high corrosion-resistant steel sheet, KENI Fine (a specialty alloy coating for metal products that has anti-microbial and anti-mildew properties), plate for pipe columns, steel-framed houses Castings & Forgings Crankshafts, propeller shafts, equipment for the nuclear power industry, heavy electrical machinery parts, steel for plastic injection molds Titanium Products Rolled titanium and titanium alloys for aircraft parts and heat exchangers Other Products Steel powder and powder products, construction materials, other specialty steel products, steel wire, pig iron, slag products Welding Materials Covered welding electrodes, welding wires for automatic and semi-automatic welding, fluxes, welding robots, power sources, welding robot systems Aluminum & Copper Rolled Aluminum Products Aluminum sheet for beverage cans, foil, heat exchangers and automobiles; aluminum extrusions; aluminum foil; aluminum blanks and substrates for hard disks; KENI Fine (a specialty alloy coating for metal products that has anti-microbial and anti-mildew properties) Aluminum Alloy & Magnesium Alloy Casting Aircraft and automobile parts Aluminum Processed Products Construction materials, temporary construction materials Rolled Copper Products Copper tube for air conditioners, condenser tube, copper sheet and strip for electronic applications, leadframes Infrastructure and Plant Engineering Sewage and sewage sludge treatment plants, municipal solid waste treatment plants, refuse derived fuel systems, industrial solid waste incineration plants, appliance recycling plants, aluminum dross recycling plants, open-grid steel dams, urban transit systems, civil engineering, bridge construction, noise insulation systems, direct reduction plants, rolling mills, pellet plants, cement plants, chemical plants, supercritical fluid for chemical recycling Machinery Screw compressors, centrifugal compressors, reciprocating compressors, refrigeration compressors, uninterruptible power sources, hot isostatic presses (HIP), cold isostatic presses (CIP), surface modification systems (AIP, UBMS), inspection and analysis systems, crushers, plastic processing machinery, tire and rubber machinery, high pressure anneal equipment, supercritical CO2 equipment Construction Machinery Hydraulic excavators, mini excavators, wheel loaders, crawler cranes, rough terrain cranes, work vessels, electric mining shovels Electronics and Information Electronic equipment, communication system, superconductive products, specialty alloys and other new materials, semiconductor-related equipment, information services Land Development Community and urban development, real property services, building management Other Businesses Material inspection, LP gas vessels, general trading, travel services
In the industrial machinery field, we supply mixers, tire curing presses, tire uniformity machines, and other machinery to the tire and rubber industry. We also offer a wide array of plastics processing machinery, ranging from extruders to optical fiber manufacturing equipment that must accommodate a rapidly evolving field. In short, we're on the job in an impressive variety of sectors, earning customer praise for quality and value. Kobe steel is the only company in the world that manufactures all three types of compressors: screw, centrifugal, and reciprocating. Our screw compressors in particular are highly valued by customers for their excellent efficiency, compact size and ability to reliably operate continuously over long periods. Their reputation for outstanding performance is so well-established that KOBELCO screw compressors stand at the top of the field with approximately 40% of the world market. Our proprietary standard compressors also have had a tremendous impact on the world market because of their revolutionary ultra-high operating efficiency, which helps to minimize energy consumption. We supply a wide range of products such as air and gas compressors and heat pumps, as well as standard compressors. Expanding markets worldwide for tire curing presses and rubber machinery. From pelletizing systems to injection molding machines, the Machinery & Engineering Company supplies customers with both hardware and software. Its optical fiber drawing equipment used widely all over the world. Highly rated by users, these products include hot and cold isostatic presses, arc ion plating equipment, unbalanced magnetron sputtering equipment. Supplying a wide range of Rolling Mills for ferrous & nonferrous metal processing with advanced rolling control system. Equipment using high temperature and high pressure is applied in every field. Kobe Steel, Ltd. offers perfect equipment meeting your needs by making the best use of our past experiences and technologies.
Tire and Rubber Machinery Expanding markets worldwide for tire & rubber machinery with global supports. To meet the needs for greater automation, labor savings, and productivity, the Machinery Business uses its state-of-the-art technology to supply a broad array of products, from single units to the entire design and construction of plants. Our mixers have long been popular among tire and rubber manufacturers. They are noted for their high productivity and low energy consumption and demonstrate excellent mixing performance. They can also be equipped with rotors and controllers based on customer's mixing requirements. - Batch Type Mixer (Tangential Rotor Type & Intermeshing Rotor Type) - Twin Screw Roller Head Extruder - Tire Curing Presses (for passenger car tires, light truck tires, truck/bus tires, OTR tires) - Tire Uniformity Machine (for passenger car tires, light truck tires, truck/bus tires) - High Speed Tire Uniformity Machine (for laboratory type and for production type) - Other Tire Testing Machines
Machinery Products and Services Advanced Technology Equipment Challenging new fields with advanced technology. Kobe Steel's technology and know-how as an industrial machinery manufacturer are utilized to produce advanced products for new fields. Highly rated by users, these products include hot and cold isostatic presses, rubber isostatic presses, compound semiconductor growing equipment, arc ion plating equipment, unbalanced magnetron sputtering equipment, micro-ion beam analyzers, high resolution RBS analyzers, and optical inspection equipment. Physical Vapour Deposition System Arc Ion Plating System:AIP Unbalanced Magnetoron Sputtering System:UBMS Vacuum Web Coater (Roll to Roll Coater) Beam Analyzer System - Micro-ion beam Analyzer:Mikro-i High Resolution RBS analyzer:HRBS
KOBELCO Rolling Mills for Wire Rod, Bar, Billet, Medium & Small Section
KOBELCO Foil, Sheet and Strip Mills
Iron and Steel Welding Aluminum and Copper Machinery Natural Resources and Engineering Environmental Business Construction Machinery