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Honda Pumps is a leading pump manufacturer and a global provider of innovative engineered pumping solutions who can satisfy your needs in centrifugal pumping. We offer our wide portfolio to business partners in the Chemical and Petro-Chemical Processing Industries, to contractors and operators of Pulp & Paper mills, Power Generation Plants and Power Plant Flue Gas Desulfurization systems as well as for customers in the Water Treatment & Distribution, Food, Metals and Fertilizer businesses. Our ultimate goal is to offer each customer the pumping solution which best suits their requirements.
HCS/HC (Volute Pump) Horizontal, single stage volute casing pump, used in a wide range of applications such as water drainage, pits and tanks, seawater, cooling, coating etc. Possible installation of Cooling and insulating jacket (Optional). LNPS/LNPF (Low NPSH Volute Pump) Low NPSH Pump with high reliability under severe suction conditions. Permit extremely low NPSH allowing the reduction of installation costs. Applications: vacuum evaporator, crystallizers, liquefied gas transfer, boiler feed, condenser drainage, chemical reactor, desalination plants... BLS (Latex Emulsion Pump) Horizontal, single-stage with full-open impeller. Designed to handle latex, emulsion liquids and crumb slurry mediums such as ABS and SBR. Recognized as the best pump of its kind worldwide, able to deliver clog-free transfer with a viscosity range of 750mPa.s¡«1999mPa.s. HRG/HRO/RG (Roto-Jet Pump) Single Stage Pitot Tube Pump for high pressure applications. The Roto-Jet pump has 2 basic working parts a rotating case with a stationary pick-up tube mounted within it. Used in a wide variety of applications that require smooth, pulsation-free and high pressure streams. Typical applications: Reverse osmosis, pulp and paper mills, fuel injection, boiler feed, automotive industry. BNS/BNF/BNC/BALS (Non-Clog Volute Pump) Non-clog pump (for sewage and solids) capable to handle solid size up to 1/3 of inlet bore. Used in various application such as turbines and piping Ball-Circulation. FRS/FR (Cascade Pumps) Cascade pump with special features impeller, suitable for low flow and high head applications with respective ranges of 1 to 3m3/hr flow and head from 120 to 140m. HAS (Volute Pump) Horizontal, foot support with closed impeller design. High efficiency and low energy consumption pump fully ISO complying. Used in a wide range of applications such as water drainage, ground water and treatment systems. GS/GF (Volute Pump) Single stage pumps in back pull-out design, providing a higher flow/Head than HCS/HC model. Easy maintenance procedure without motor and piping dismantling. ROWA-MCC/ROWA-MC (Mineral Cast Pump) Single-stage centrifugal pump in SICcast? for Pumping highly abrasive and corrosive slurries. The world patented SICcast? material exceeds conventional materials, providing extreme lifetime in many applications. ROWA-MCC series are currently the most modern and durable technology for absorber recirculation pumps in flue gas desulphurization plants (FGD). CHFWS/CHFW (Double Suction Volute Pumps) Double suction volute pump with high efficiency and large capacity up to 2000m3/hr. Used in various applications such as seawater intake /discharge, waterworks, power plants and industrial water supply. UGS/UGF (Volute Pumps) Horizontal, centerline support type, in back pull-out design. Designed to handle high temperature transfers up to 450oC. MSP(F)/MSPG(F) (Low NPSH Self-Priming Pump) Low NPSH with high Self-Priming efficiency pump, proven high efficiency in various difficult applications such as drainage and handling of high temperature, fine-grained slurries. Usually chosen for temperatures up to 80oC and 8m high head. SP(F)/SPG(F) (Self-Priming Volute Pump) General purpose self-priming volute pump, providing an outstanding self-priming power at a low cost. Can be Used as chemical pump for liquids containing air, condensate pumps, drain pumps, and pumps for extraction from sealed tanks. VCS/VCF (Volute Pump) General purpose vertical pump, simple mounting, suited for industrial process such as sump, tank unloading, corrosive and non-corrosive liquids. VNS/VNF (Metal-Less Pump) Vertical, Cantilever Shaft type. Extremely reliable, low maintenance pump for slurry handling high-volume, worry-free paint circulation; ideal for 24-hour-per-day circulating systems. VTS(F) VMS(F) (Diffuser Pump) Vertical Multi-Stage Pump, featuring higher capacity and head for a true industrial design with cast stainless steel flanges for maximum installation support. State-of-the-art formed stainless steel and several proprietary internal components make the VTS(F)/VMS(F) series superior to existing designs. Specialty pumps, others We offer a wide range of specialty pumps with specific designs and advanced special materials, designated for applications such as High capacity, high temperature fluid transfers, Ultra Self-priming, multi-stage pumps... * Top Page BLS HRG/HRO/RG BNS/BNF /BNC/BALS ROWA-MCC /ROWA-MC MSP(F) /MSPG(F) HCS/HC LNPS/LNPF HRG/HRO/RG BNS/BNF /BNC/BALS ROWA-MCC /ROWA-MC MSP(F) /MSPG(F) HAS GS/GF UGS/UGF CHFWS/CHFW VCS/VCF VTS(F) VMS(F) Specialty pumps,others HCS/HC LNPS/LNPF BLS HRG/HRO/RG FRS/FR HAS GS/GF ROWA-MCC /ROWA-MC MSP(F) /MSPG(F) CHFWS/CHFW UGS/UGF SP(F)/SPG(F) VCS/VCF VNS/VNF Specialty pumps,others HCS/HC LNPS/LNPF BLS HRG/HRO/RG BNS/BNF /BNC/BALS HAS GS/GF MSP(F) /MSPG(F) VCS/VCF VNS/VNF HCS/HC LNPS/LNPF BLS HRG/HRO/RG BNS/BNF /BNC/BALS FRS/FR HAS GS/GF MSP(F) /MSPG(F) CHFWS/CHFW SP(F)/SPG(F) VCS/VCF VTS(F) VMS(F) Specialty pumps,others HCS/HC LNPS/LNPF HRG/HRO/RG BNS/BNF /BNC/BALS FRS/FR HAS GS/GF ROWA-MCC /ROWA-MC MSP(F) /MSPG(F) UGS/UGF SP(F)/SPG(F) VCS/VCF VNS/VNF Specialty pumps,others HCS/HC LNPS/LNPF HRG/HRO/RG FRS/FR HAS GS/GF MSP(F) /MSPG(F) CHFWS/CHFW SP(F)/SPG(F) VCS/VCF VTS(F) VMS(F) Specialty pumps,others